Tuesday, May 19, 2020

May 20,2020

Course 1 Math: Math Review 1:  On a separate sheet of paper work these problems.  https://trinitylutheranchurch437-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/banders_trinityct_org/EZczVyLik3ROh1s-A7Z1gF4BZPGeNx3TSQNSYpa_UfsqoA?e=Rt2Z74 
Remember to turn in Investigation # 12 (highlight)

Faith Formation: Chapel Day:  3 Great Songs for our last Chapel.  https://youtu.be/hUEpn1n9gsI Read Hebrews Chapter 2
Social Studies:  Today you are reading about the Maya people.  These are the ancestors of the people that Mrs. Buss and the Guatemala team ministers to every year. 
Same as yesterday, on a Word Document list 2 things from each of the 4 articles that you found interesting.  Remember you can not use the Interesting Facts section.
The Maya played a ball game called Pok ta Pok.  I am including a video that talks about the game and what it means.  I find it interesting because the losers of the game are sacrificed.  Imagine if that were done today in say the NFL.  (Poor Lions)   https://youtu.be/VYcWs7qJeCI 

Spanish: ¡Hola clase!  I am so super proud of all your hard work learning español from home!  Here is your last assignment of the year:
Look over these clothing words. Some should sound familiar, some are brand new. https://trinitylutheranchurch437-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/banders_trinityct_org/ER55var36RBAh2BJJHyvQpYBj7qoecCcUIPT3phF683SFw?e=GVzXAa 
Now take one last quiz at quizizz.com
Code is 6413264
I hope and pray you have a wonderful summer break and I can't wait to see you next year!
¡Hasta luego!   Señora Phillips! 

Science:  https://trinitylutheranchurch437-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/banders_trinityct_org/EXqFjs97wY1Ak1znQXx0SYEBoEuw6gJXJTQeWH5U0RW-eQ?e=tbw7GT

Language Arts:       6th grade: Wednesday. May 20, 2020.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and  lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6

Shurley English: Chapter 11 Lesson 3  Last Lesson  page 330-332. Complete CP 50 by Thursday May 21.   Continue to work through the workbook over the summer. :)

Literature: Answer the following questions for Chapter 12-15   in complete sentences. New Loom video for chapter 12-15. https://www.loom.com/share/0e9f6aee9eea41818e58d8e9cfa58620
 You will also need to read Chapters 16-19.

1.  Why does Angus Tuck take Winnie to the pond to talk to her?
2.  How is the movement of the pond water meaningful (or helps to make a connection) to their conversation about the life cycle?
3.  Why do you think the man in the yellow suit goes to the Foster’s instead of to the police?
4.  As Winnie tries to fall asleep, she can’t decide whether or not to believe the Tuck family’s  story.  Would you have believed it? Why or why not?
5.  Why do you think the man in the yellow suit wants to trade his knowledge about Winnie’s whereabouts for the woods?
6.  What do his (the man in the yellow suit)  actions reveal about his character?

Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt.
The book link is below. Start reading the Prologue-Chapter 3

Vocab: NO assignments for this week.  Continue to work through the workbook over the summer.  :)

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