Social Studies: Roman Numerals
Julius Caesar
Due Wednesday 3:00pm
Course 1 Math: Lesson # 118: Estimating Area:
Problem #s: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 13, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30
Lesson # 117 Grading Sheet :
Faith Formation: Spiritual Mentor Letters Written, Pictures taken and emailed to Due Wednesday 10am
Spanish: ¡Hola clase!
Let's learn some new ¡vocabulario!
Look over the list of school supplies vocab. . Several we have already learned in past years! Some are new.
Then test your skills with a
Code is 567231.
¡Gracias! Señora Phillips
Lanugage Arts: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come; The old has gone, the new is here.” 2 Corinthians 5:17
Journals: Continue this week’s entries.
Due Thurs. 5/14/2020. Next set due 5/21/2020
Shurley English: Chapter 11 Lesson 2 page 326. Read through Reference 169, Practice Sentences, Skill Time, Reference 170 Rules for Making Possessives, Discuss It. Complete CP 49 for homework.
This is due 5/14/2020.
Literature: Roll of Thunder (ROTHMC) Chapter 12 Loom Video below.
Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
Due 5/13/2020
1. What does Mr. Logan mean when he says, “ This thing’s been coming a long time, baby, and T.J. just happened to be the one foolish enough to trigger it.”?
2. What is significant about the way the people of the community put out the fire? Why do you think Taylor chose to add this to the plot of the story?
3. How does Mr. Logan save T.J.? What sacrifice does he make to do so?
4. What do you think will happen to T.J? What will happen to the R.W. and Melvin? Why?
5. Symbolism is used in this novel..What do you think the fire symbolizes? Rain? Land? Give an answer for all three, please.
Finally, this is the end of this novel. We will not do any of the final projects in the Independent Novel packet. Instead we will be starting a new novel with the last two weeks of school.. I will provide a link in tomorrow’s assignments.
Continue working on the Independent Novel packet. Reading log and Vocabulary sections need to be completed.
Vocab: Unit 12 Choosing the Right Word. Due
Tuesday May 12, 2020.
New Assignment Unit 12 Synonyms and Antonyms page 152-153.
Due 5/13/2020
This is also assigned on the Sadlier website.
Science: Science Phenomena Scavenger Hunt
Due Date: Thursday, May 21st
- You are going on an adventure...a science scavenger hunt! Below, you will find a list of different scientific phenomena that you need to find. You need to find these items in real life! Look around your house, check out your yard, etc. This is NOT a search on the internet!
- You need to make a PowerPoint to document your scientific journey.
- You need to make an introductory slide and then a slide for each item you find.
- Copy/paste the item descriptions onto your slides in numerical order. Example: #1 will also be slide #1. #2 will be slide #2.
- On each slide, you need to include all three of the following:
- The given description from this assignment.
- A brief written description about what you found explaining exactly what it is and where you found it.
- A picture of what you found. You may do this one of two ways.
- If possible for you, the BEST way to document your journey is to take an actual picture of the item yourself!! If you have a phone you can take a picture and upload it. I can’t wait to see these pictures!
- Given the fact that not everyone has that capability, a picture may also be attached by using a generic photo from the internet (those without a phone).
- You have a week and a half to complete this quest.
- Your due date is Thursday, May 21st.
Here we go! Find the following scientific phenomena and document it as stated above:
- A Decomposer
Decomposers help break down dead plants and animals. They can often be found by looking under a large rock or something that has been sitting in your yard for a good while. It could be a worm, beetle, mushroom, snail, mold, etc.
- Evidence of Condensation
Condensation can be found outside or inside your home. Remember the definition of condensation: the process when water vapor turns into a liquid. This can be seen on a small or large scale.
- A Flower
This may include blooms from individual flowering plants, trees, bushes, or even weeds in your yard. Try your best to identify what kind of flower it is in your brief description.
- Veins
In humans, veins are blood vessels that carry blood back to the heart, but you must locate veins in a plant. They provide support for the leaf and transport water, minerals, and food energy to the rest of the plant.
- A Mammal
Mammals are warm-blooded, vertebrate animals. They grow hair at some point in their lives, and the female mammals produce milk to feed their offspring.
- A Habitat for an Animal or Insect
A habitat is a home. It provides safety for the species. Find a home for an animal or insect such as a bird’s nest or a spider’s web.
- A Seed
You can find a seed in some of the foods you eat, or you can find one out in nature. You may find a seed from a fruit, vegetable, flower, tree, etc. You may include one such as an acorn or pine cone which harbors its seeds inside.
- An Adaptation
An adaptation is a characteristic that allows an organism to survive in its environment. Although there are many different adaptations, you must locate a structural adaptation. Examples of a structural adaptation: teeth, claws, fur, beak, scales, feathers, etc. You need to explain the purpose of the adaptation in your description.
- A Simple Machine
The simple machines include the wedge, lever, screw, pulley, inclined plane, and the wheel and axle. Remember, often several simple machines are combined together to make a new tool known as a compound machine. You just have to locate one simple machine and explain which one it is in your description.
- A Mineral
Minerals are substances that occur naturally in the Earth. They can be made of a single element or from a combination of elements known as a compound. Many have a crystalline structure, while others are metallic or powdery. You may find the solid form of a mineral, OR you may find something made from a mineral and provide an explanation of your selection.